PeCeT_full's software
Speller, ver. 1.3.5613.35956

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This program, as the name suggests, can spell (i.e. uttering each character separately) by speaking and save prepared speech as a WAVE sound file by using available files reflecting the pronunciation of a specified character or also by using SAPI5 speech synthesis.
NOTES: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is required to work. Available languages: English, Polish, German. Included speech banks: "General English" (default) and "Polski" by pfcode. Published under The MIT License.

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Speller allows the user to change the following settings:
- [Soundbanks only] Enable special and punctuation chars (e.g. comma, exclamation mark, asterisk etc.)
- [Soundbanks only] Derive files from the default speech bank if such are missing in the selected one
- [SAPI5 only] SAPI5's rate/volume
- Read all zero characters as the letter 'o'
- Spell Clipboard content using the Alt+S hotkey combination
- Sample rate, bit depth and channels
- [Only in play mode] Delay between spoken chars (in ms)
- Text input colour scheme
- Speech bank
- SAPI5 voice
- Interface language
Settings must be saved manually before quitting the application in order to be loaded after launching it again.
Custom speech banks
Have you made a new pronunciation bank of some language? Could it be used with
Speller? Please send a private link and some details to me via
the contact form on my website and once approved, I'll put it here as a downloadable package.
Diacritic Buster, ver. 1.3.5594.31922

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In turn, this program can help you get rid of incompatible characters found in any piece of text using their own alternative or simplified forms instead to be processable by any target reading software that is simply not able to deal with their original equivalents.
NOTES: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is required to work. Available languages: English, Polish, German. Published under The MIT License.

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Diacritic Buster allows to set such options:
- Convert Clipboard content automatically using the Alt+C hotkey combination
- Program hidden on launch
- Available schemes
- Languages
Custom schemes can be easily created and imported by the user. However, to simplify some specific tasks and to basically show how these work, a few sample recipes have been attached to the program's "Schemes" folder and these are: Alternate German accents, Convert Romaji text to Katakana, Make Hungarian compatible with Western European set, Remove all Central European specific accents only, Remove Polish accents except o-acute, Remove Polish accents, Romanise Katakana letters, Romanise Russian letters the GOST 2002(B) method.
Custom schemes
Have an interesting idea? Share one with me using
the special contact form and I'll decide if it can come in handy at any rate.
Liryk, ver. 2.0
Using an Android mobile phone, tablet or Chromebook? Get
Liryk 2.0! Read
here what it does.
NOTES: Works only on Android 6.0 and newer. Available languages: English, Polish, German. Published under The MIT License.

Missing MSVCRT.DLL? Download it here.
Cypher Walker, ver. 1.0.1

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Cypher Walker is a dynamic logic game designed for both vintage and modern computers (as an experiment) where your task is to fill the board consisting of randomly generated digits (from 1 to 9) with as many zeros as you simply can.
NOTES: Available languages: English, Polish, German, Bulgarian, Slovak, Czech, Estonian (by Mojito & Matuzka). Published under The MIT License. Created in order to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Windows 95!
How to play?

When you start the game, you are given a board which is of size 25x25. The first zero is located at coordinates 13x13 (the centre of the game board) and thus, this is your starting point. In the beginning, you have four directions available until the probable movement in any case would cause the board boundary to be surpassed or your path basically becomes an obstacle. The neighbouring digit represents the number of steps - if all conditions are met and you decide to go there, you are obviously away that number of steps from your previous position and gain the same amount of points. The game finishes once no movements are possible while in order to appear in the high score list, you must reach at least the amount of points the fifth person has. Good luck!
TIP: Right after you launch Cypher Walker, if you click the left mouse button on "Play" or press the Tab key and then Enter on your keyboard, you will be able to use it for making decisions with the following keyboard controls: I for going up, J for going left, L for going right and K for going down.
Relynxer, ver. 1.0.1

Relynxer is a wizard program designed especially for vintage PCs for 'shortening' website URLs by generating new (typically shorter) ones on thanks to its API. The service is based on Shrinky by Hassan.
NOTES: Available languages: English, Polish, German. Published under The MIT License. HTTPS not supported!

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The following parameters can be adjusted there:
- Password
- Number of usages
- Expiration date
- Visibility state (public by default)
- Custom name
All of these parameters are fully optional.
You can also show or hide the HTTP warning on program launch.
WinAirq, ver. 1.0.2

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WinAirq is a current air quality reading program for vintage computers connected to the Internet from the data retrieved from OpenWeatherMap's API.

Besides basic air quality index (AQI), you can find data about polluting gases, such as:
• carbon monoxide (CO)
• nitrogen monoxide (NO)
• nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
• ozone (O3)
• sulphur dioxide (SO2)
• ammonia (NH3)
• particulates (PM2.5 and PM10)
NOTES: Available languages: English, Polish, German, Japanese, Czech. Published under The MIT License. HTTPS not supported (no warning displayed).

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The program is loaded into the system tray - by default, you should find it in the bottom right corner of your computer screen. If you are launching WinAirq for the first time, an icon representing a grey question mark on a white background should appear. If you cannot see it there, try to expand the system tray by clicking the arrow(s).
On the application's icon, press the right mouse button and go to Settings as it is one of the necessary steps to start watching the air quality of your location. Click on the star button and use the search bar to find it. You may be given a variety of options. After selecting your desired location, click OK and then apply settings. Now you are ready to read the data - just click twice on the tray icon using the left mouse button to display the main window and hit Update. If everything went successfully, you should be able to see the current air quality with all the details.
SHS2BMP, ver. 1.0
SHS2BMP is a simple MS Paint Shell Scrap Object File to bitmap image converter. It is a command-line program that allows multiple scrap files to be converted from a single command (and from dragging-and-dropping files into the program, as well).

Minimal system requirements:
- For DOS release: MS-DOS 3.20 or newer, or FreeDOS (requires at least an i386 PC)
- For 32-bit Windows release: Windows NT 3.51 SP5/Windows 95 or newer
- For 64-bit Windows release: Windows Vista SP2 x64 or newer
- For Linux: requires "ncurses" package (and "ncurses-dev" to compile)
NOTES: Program returns messages in English only. Published under The MIT License.

Have you ever found any SHS files on your old HDD? Most likely those are scrap objects that may have been pasted from Windows 95-2003 Clipboard and are linked to the application they were copied from. They are mostly MS Word or MS Excel contents that can be still directly read using the newest version of any of those but there is at least one more source possible: MS Paint. Unfortunately, neither Paint nor any popular image viewing/editing software nowadays doesn't seem to recognise those, despite the fact the content is very easy to reach. That is where SHS2BMP comes into play - it verifies for each input file if a potential Shell Scrap header is associated with Paint and then looks for the beginning of the bytes reserved solely for the bitmap itself. The bitmap gets then extracted and the Shell Scrap info is removed. Voila! Now the image should be recognised without any difficulty.
Liryk, ver. 1.0

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Liryk is a program designed for vintage PCs in mind for displaying a list of tracks from Polish radio stations broadcast recently or earlier. For this purpose, the application connects to API that retrieves all music tracks according to the selected period that were then registered by the service.
Before the first search, you must download a list of radio stations currently available at You can do this by going to the Region menu and clicking "Aktualizuj listê stacji radiowych" (Update radio station list) or pressing the Alt+U key combination. If the update was successful, you should be able to select any station from the list.
NOTES: Program available in Polish only. Published under MIT+CC, i.e. the MIT License with the Commons Clause. HTTPS not supported (no warning displayed). Compatible with Windows NT 3.51 SP5!
Ropasc CE, ver. 1.0
Ropasc CE is a digital adaptation of a traditional game called "rock paper scissors" for handheld PCs where the human player competes against the CPU.

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NOTES: Confirmed to work on Windows CE 1.0-3.0. Available languages: English, German. Published under Do What The F*** You Want To Public License (WTFPL).
How to play?
You play against the computer. When you perform a move then the computer's move is revealed immediately. You can use one of the three items: rock, paper or scissors. Rock beats scissors, paper beats rock and scissors beats paper. If both the player and the computer use the same item, the round ends with a draw.
CEuroPad, ver. 1.0

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The following character sets are available from the View menu:
- Polish
- Hungarian/German
- Czech/Slovak A-N
- Czech/Slovak O-Z
- Croatian/Slovenian
- Other (contains the euro sign - €)
You can also use smaller font (of size 8 instead of 10) or enable wrapping to window.